B2B channel is one of the most important link in many industries. The channel partner may increase or decrease the distance between you and the next link in your consumer side supply chain. The higher your secondary & tertiary sales visibility, the more leverage you have in planning your inventory, promotions and cash flows.
A disconnected system where this information is communicated through various channels at intervals as long as 30 days do not help.
The sales channel engagement hub – iCUS (pronounced ‘I’ ‘Cus’) is the central portal built on opensource technologies by us for all your sales channel partners such as distributors, stockists and end customers. It allows your sales and marketing teams to engage with them and collaborate.
iCUS helps your customers stay up-to-date with status of their orders, dispatch details, payables, pricing, stocks and promotional schemes. At the same time, your sales teams get a visibility of secondary / tertiary sales, inventory levels, stock status, complaints.
Being a self service portal, the leads to reduced need for voice and email communications and provides transparency any time from from anywhere. The delays and errors in order processing can also be eliminated by directly linking iCUS to the backend ERP system.
The following are the features and functionality of iCUS
- Customer profile
- Sales Order entry
- Sales Order Status
- Dispatch details
- Invoice Details
- Invoice Printing
- Invoice Creation
- Stocks position
- Proof of Delivery
- Collection
- Payment Details
- Reports such as receivables, ledger
- Announcements